CBF assisted our partner Equity Banking and Trust with our first Hackathon.
On Saturday November 19th, Liongate Bahamas Limited held its Inaugural Hack-a-Thon Event. The students in the Hack-a-Thon were tasked with creating a digital solution that improves the Bahamian community.
The projects were judged by: Liongate Bahamas Limited CEO, Lynden Michael Dean; Equity Bank Bahamas Limited Head of Business Development & Fintech, Delphino Gilbert Cassar (“Gil”); Parliamentary Secretary Wayde Watson, MP; Managing Director of The Bahamas Development Bank, Nicholas Higgs, CFA and President of Coding Bahamas Future, Catherine LaJeunesse.
Congratulations again to Daniea Gray who placed first for her impressive design of a brail keyboard
for the visually impaired. Daniea is a 10th grade student at the International School of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (ISBET)