First Hackathon – COMPLETED!

First Hackathon – COMPLETED!
Coding Bahamas November 19, 2022 Events

CBF assisted our partner Equity Banking and Trust with our first Hackathon.

On Saturday November 19th, Liongate Bahamas Limited held its Inaugural Hack-a-Thon Event. The students in the Hack-a-Thon were tasked with creating a digital solution that improves the Bahamian community.

The projects were judged by: Liongate Bahamas Limited CEO, Lynden Michael DeanEquity Bank Bahamas Limited Head of Business Development & Fintech, Delphino Gilbert Cassar (“Gil”); Parliamentary Secretary Wayde Watson, MP; Managing Director of The Bahamas Development BankNicholas Higgs, CFA and President of Coding Bahamas Future, Catherine LaJeunesse.

Congratulations again to Daniea Gray who placed first for her impressive design of a brail keyboard

for the visually impaired. Daniea is a 10th grade student at the International School of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (ISBET)